(English) Our Commitment to Future Generations

(English) Taking positive actions and promoting sustainable practices to protect the environment is not only good business, it is also our responsibility and commitment to future generations.


(English) TAL has adopted the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol for quantifying and reporting our GHG footprint. We measured our first operational GHG footprint in 2009 and have been on a path to reducing our GHG emissions ever since.

A decade later, TAL doubled down on our climate positive actions. In 2019, we became signatories to the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, and in 2022 we committed to setting net-zero science-based targets through the Science Based Target initiative. By 2022, TAL had reduced its GHG Intensity by 33% from 2009. To achieve our science-based targets, our factories focus on energy efficiency improvements, equipment upgrades, switching to lower carbon fuels, and renewable energy. As part of our SBT commitment, we are also reducing our scope 3 emissions. We are working with our suppliers on lowering their scope 1 and 2 emissions that meet industry ambitions, supplier capabilities, and are technically feasible.


(English) TAL began measuring our water footprint in 2011. By 2022, TAL had reduced our water intensity by 64%. TAL has achieved this significant reduction in operational water footprint by reducing, reusing, and recycling the water we consume in factories. We are also continually investing in water recycling technologies. In 2022, we recycled approximately 16% of our total water use across our factories, up from 13% in 2018.


(English) TAL is committed to meet and exceed not only local wastewater compliance but also the gold standards of the industry, such as ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines and the bluesign® standard. As these industry standards are continually evolving, we will continue to invest in state-of-the-art wastewater treatment to ensure that we are always in step.


(English) TAL is committed to the 3Rs of waste management: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Firstly, we take pre-emptive actions to minimize waste generation. Then, to minimize the amount of waste destined for landfills and incinerators, TAL carefully segregates our waste streams and works with local partners to identify appropriate recycling and waste disposal methods for each.

In terms of reuse, one of our most exciting sustainability initiatives is creating new garments with the cotton scraps from our cutting tables. Please refer to our Innogreen™ product under the Sustainable products section.


Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) & bluesign® 

(English) TAL is committed to responsible chemical management and eliminating hazardous substances from our products. We are working with bluesign® to deliver on this promise and to ensure all chemicals used in our products meet the bluesign® blue standard and are listed on the bluefinder website. We also support our supplier partners to adhere to bluesign® requirements and eliminate hazardous substances from their production.

Input Management (MRSL, PRSL) 

(English) Input stream management is about eliminating hazardous substances from chemical recipes. It is in line with Circular Economy principles of designing out waste and pollution before they occur, or in this case removing substances of concern before they become waste and pollution.


(English) TAL is proud to have three buildings that are LEED certified. These certifications demonstrate our pledge to sustainability as a long-term value proposition. Both TAL factories in Vietnam are LEED Gold Certified, and our Hong Kong HQ Building is LEED Platinum.


(English) TAL is a proud member of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, a non-profit coalition of consumer industry stakeholders from across the value chain coming together to align on sustainability performance tools and objectives. The SAC and its members developed the Higg Index, a suite of tools that measures the sustainability performance of brands, manufacturers, and their products.

Since 2013 TAL has used the Higg Facility Environment Module (FEM) to measure and benchmark our environmental sustainability performance across our factories against industry best practices, and further enhance our environmental management tools and procedures. The Higg FEM assesses factory performance across seven impact categories from management practices, setting targets, and measuring achievements. You can learn more about the Higg FEM here: Higg Facility Tools – Sustainable Apparel Coalition.

Each year our factories perform self-assessments against the Higg Facility Environment Module (FEM).

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